Car title loans are a great way to get emergency cash, but to use the car as collateral for a loan in order to get holiday shopping done may not be the best reason. The season brings merriment into the malls, online shopping deals, increased savings and along with it increased debt. The opportunity to get big ticket items at slashed ticket prices appeals to those of all income levels.
Instead of using a car title loan, payday loan or filling up credit cards; do what you can to make ends meet on your own.
*Have a plan for your money. Browse for ideas online or through sales catalogs and stick to the set price. Avoid impulse buying by following the plan. Last minute shopping may not allow you to spend within your budget.
Make an envelope with each person on your list and fill it with the allotted money. An "old school" way to keep spending under control.
*Don't fall into the trap of applying for store credit cards at the checkout counters. No deal is a good deal if you cannot afford it. Third party money through credit cards or car title loans will cost you in fees and interest. It is a free way to make weekly payments towards the item's cost. *Be creative with your budget. If you really want to spend more than the planned amount, replace that amount from somewhere else in your budget. You could also mix handmade gifts in with store bought ones if you are looking for quantity and quality.
Short-term loans are paid off in full in order to keep them cost effective. A car title loans is a 30 day loan with your vehicle's pink slip as collateral. Keep the holidays light and merry by refraining from using third party money to purchase gifts.
Thanks for reading: Avoid Car Title Loans Through The New Year
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